Once I say “industrial-strength doom-riff-dub,” you are saying THE BUG! This Belgian manufacturer simply launched his new document Device by the use of Relapse Data previous this month — get it right here. I’m used to dub being a legitimate that uplifts me, and takes me out of harsh fact into some common area. However The Malicious program makes dub that will get so deep and heavy it feels extra like being beaten within the equipment of unending manufacturing and intake. The bass is crushing, the electronics are droning, and all during his songs there are sounds that rain down on me like razorblades. That is dub that desires to push me and pummel me, come down on me like a sonic attack of my senses. With Device, The Malicious program has made a heavy steel album that takes the style identify actually, because it kilos my cranium like an automatic sledgehammer. Relapse has additionally launched Machines I-V, a restricted vinyl number of his 5 Device EPs — select that up right here. Now let The Malicious program’s Device thunder to your ears like an business dub nightmare, and take a look at the video for his new unmarried “Deep in a Dust Feet. MAGUGU”…
The album detonates apocalyptic dread-tech mutations of crushing depth, fusing a singular new pressure of futuristic dub with fatal deep electronics and killer bass riffs worthy of the heaviest steel.